Wednesday, July 4

Hurt People, Hurt People. Be Free.

Goodness it's so easy to forget when caught smack in the middle of confrontation.

 No matter how wrong someone may be towards us, we've got to be mindful. In fact, we really may not know where they're coming from no matter what angle they're presently coming in. You may have no idea the abuse they've experienced or that the same actions that they're displaying are only the same principles taught to them growing up.

I am not trying to alleviate all responsibility because wrong is wrong right is right, but you never know what other people are going through matter how much their outward appearance may tell a different story.

If you yourself are hurting inside, God is the healer of all wounds not visible to the natural eye. Allow Him to heal you. The temporary ointment of the world won't suffice. The compliments won't withstand. The lust won't command...much of anything. Heal. Keep It Authentic with yourself.

And if I'm going to Keep It Authentic, the boldest thing I ever did was come to the alter and admit to Jesus that my heart was in pieces.

He will heal you. Because realistically, hurt people only end up hurting other people and themselves.

Today on Independence day be FREE. Free from the bondage and chains that have tried to maintain in your heart, spirit and mind. Be FREE of insecurities and judgement. Be FREE of distrust. Be FREE from lust. Be FREE from the feeling of abandonment. You are good enough. You are wonderful. You are healed. 

The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.” (Psalm 145:8)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a really good post and very real. At times I wish people would stop judging my walk with God by the things I do. Instead, they should try to take the time to dig deeper and find out what is driving me to act the way I do or think the way I do.

I agree that the world will sometimes presents itself with temporary healers, but there is nothing like a healing from God that will wipe your slate clean of all pain and sin. Nothing like Him.